Nadia reflects on the ups and downs of her first term



First Half Term


I have




doubted my ability

worried myself to sleep




12 miles to sweat out my worries


Yet I wake up every morning on a high when I think of the classes I have that day. The pupils I get to teach, challenge, motivate, inspire and help blossom! All the above I can live with when I know my job everyday could change someone else’s life.

It not been an easy half term and I am not going to lie I was so excited for half term to come and have space away from the school, department, pupils, staff, WhatsApp group, Teams and just breathe.


Let me start with something really special


The final week just before half term I was off sick with Covid symptonsLuckily my results came back Negative and I managed to come back for the last two days before half term. Sadly, 30% of year 11 were sent home due to two pupils getting Covid. This meant my favourite class period 5 on a Friday would not all be in. I was gutted! but knowing they are home and safe lets me sleep at night.

Let me explain this class to you!

Many pupils in this class are PP, SEN, have a lot of help from student support and are not passing their other subjects. This class are all passing Art! They walk in the room smiling, get their sketchbooks out and just do their work, no questions asked. A small percentage of individuals in this class have challenging behaviour in other subjects. The individuals stood before me are ones’ teachers in this school have never met! When I describe their behaviour and attitude staff have looked at me like I am speaking a foreign language. They have giving me that look that I am the trainee; I am fresh and too enthusiastic and positive. It is not that, this class feel safe, valued, respected and have formed relationships with the teacher and me.

Saturday morning, 11am, I decided to walk to Arnold and grab a coffee; as I was walking, a pupil from my year 11 class saw me. This particular individual is SEN and has a lot of support from student support. He has been excluded numerous times and has been in timeout. However, in Art, his behaviour is exceptional, his work is outstanding and he is passing! Instead of ignoring me or just smiling at me, he walked over.

Pupil: Miss are you feeling better?

Pupil: I am okay Miss; did you see the print work I did this week?

Me: I did

Pupil: It is good isn’t it, Miss, I am going to produce some more wicked ones after half term

Me: I can’t wait to see them

Pupil: Have a good half term miss, seeya

As soon as he was out of sight, I text my mentor and she was shocked that he spoke to me. I was over the moon- it made my whole weekend. This pupil will forget our small interaction, but this has had a fundamental impact on me!

I have found my school placement challenging this half term; however, the
 interaction with that pupil changed my mind. Last year that pupil would 
have never spoken to a teacher out of school, asked about their health 
and, importantly, been excited and spoken about their work! This has 
made it so worthwhile to remain in this school for the year… I want to see
 how this pupil continues to soar, with no doubt bumps in between! The
 first half term is challenging but look at the benefits they outweigh 

Nadia, Art and Design trainee 











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