Joline talks about our SCITT team-building day!

What a day! We didn’t know what was coming when we agreed to a trip to The Mill Adventure Base with our Trainee Crew and our Captains Adam and Sally. However, we could have guessed that when a bunch of nearly qualified teachers gets together it must be fun – and it was!!! An unforgettable experience. When we met in the morning, it wasn’t just the rain that made us hide our faces in our hoods but also the high ropes we saw when entering the location. What a terrifying view at half 9 in the morning... unless you have a group of people that encourage you to overcome your fears! Who would have thought that at the end of the day we’d all be a little bit braver, a little bit prouder and a little bit happier?! After some quick pair activities to build initial trust, we were ready to go to our first little group task. Balancing on a rope whilst being supported by our teammates. We all managed brilliantly, and in th...